Monday, November 29, 2010

Why does Veblen say that "temperament" (p. 423) may be the most important difference between the sexes?

Does the survival of vicarious leisure & consumption among middle-class wives support Veblen's theory of the leisure class?

Who is the audience for the mandatory show of "pecuniary strength" (p.437)?

What other explanations might there be for the relatively low level of savings among the urban classes (p. 439)?

When Veblen says that "the term 'waste' not to be taken in an odious sense" (p. 444), is he being ironic?

Are the professions with the highest status still those that are the least productive?

Are the activities of human culture, such as art, literature, & music "wasteful" expenditures of behavior, or are they, in Veblen's view, "useful?"

Is there anything in Veblen to remedy current economic conditions?