Monday, November 18, 2013

Does the full title of "Tintern Abbey" tell us anything important that we don't learn in the text?

What is the "presence" of l. 94?

In speaking "Of eye, and ear," what does Wordsworth mean by "both what they half create/And what perceive" (ll. 106-7)?

Why does Wordsworth say that "nature & the language of sense" are the "soul of all my moral being" (ll. 108-11)?

What role does Wordsworth's sister play in his sense of himself?

What are "the fields of sleep" (l. 28)?

Is it too much for Wordsworth to call the child "Thou best philospher" (l.111)?

What is the "primal sympathy" of l. 186?

What is the "one delight" (l. 195) that has been relinquished?

Why the highly varied line lengths & rhyme scheme?